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Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Lioconvoy, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
    Bro hoofs Received:
    7 Eleven Clerk
    Las Vegas
    Well since two people have shown interested I guess that's enough to start other can join in after the RP start, they can just be people we met along the way.

    The island(s) is based upon the Sinnoh region and the story starts in Oreburgh City the bad guys are attacking the mine there.

    Example Character sheet:

    Name: Ash Stable
    Do you have Pokemon Already: Yes (if yes say who, if no skip that. Max two to start with)
    Pokemon: Pikachu, Charmander (Pokemon do not have to be Region specific, no legendaries. Can be first or second stage.)
    Brief Background Description: Born on Poke Isnland ash dreams to be a Pokemon Master
    Brief Appearance Description: A colt no older than the CMC Ash has grey coat with a black mane and wears a baseball cap on his head. He has no cutie mark yet.

    Simple enough I hope. No Ash will be used by me so if you want to use that name go ahead. You can probably think of a better Pony style last name than I did.

    So here's mine:
    Name: Crazy Calamity (Normally just called Crazy Cal or simply Cal)
    Do you have Pokemon: Yes
    Pokemon: Shiny Ponyta, Tepig
    Brief Background Description: Normally it's only Fillies and Colts who go on take the Pokemon Gym Challenge but after being fired from yet another job Cal decided why not prove and adult can survive the journey. His Ponyta (he named Blue Blazes) is his best friend. He can almost understand Blue Blazes neighs.
    Brief Appearance Description: Cal is an earth pony has a White coat with a red mane and tail. Cal rather scrawny and his hair is styled like Rainbowdash so he gets confused for a mare often. His cutie mark is is a Tornado Funnel with twigs flying out of it.
  2. Azeth

    Azeth ☆Demon of Misery☆

    Mar 30, 2015
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Name: Terra Flame
    Do you have Pokemon: Yes
    Pokemon: Typhlosion, Gengar
    Brief Background Description: Terra is a wandering trainer who tends to aid when trouble is a hoof. His relationship with his Typhlosion (Star) and his Gengar (Vemillia), is rather deep since he has had them since very young foalhood.
    Brief Appearance Description: Terra is a yellow bodied earth pony and is a colt who, due to his feminine figure, tends to crossdress in skirts and leg socks, happily adopting a femboy aesthetic. He keeps his black mane and tail fairly long, preferring it that way. His cutiemark is a blazing spirit symbol.
    #2 Azeth, Mar 22, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  3. LostSanity

    LostSanity Official Anti-Brony

    Oct 21, 2014
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Normally I use this character for other more serious 'adventure' type RP's but it's the only one that comes to mind to fit this.

    Name: Mage Heart
    Do you have Pokemon: Yes
    Pokemon: Oshawott, Honedge (because it's a sword and my character is known for swords)
    Brief Background Description: Mage isn't what you would call a 'normal' trainer. Yes he has pokemon and he's on a journey, but he's uninterested in gyms or even the Elite 4 or the Champion. He just wants to explore and visit all the places he can. In summary, he just wants to have fun. He'll still help out others when he can though. In fact, when someone cries for help, he rushes in, sometimes without thinking first, which can sometimes get him in trouble.
    Brief Appearance Description: (just view the below picture)

  4. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
    Bro hoofs Received:
    7 Eleven Clerk
    Las Vegas
    Okay I was going to try and start this tomorrow since it was my first day off in six days, but well I got hit by a car tonight and my day is shot tomorrow. I will try to start it when I get off next. Work has been rather hectic so I'm in no mood to start anything before or after work.

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