Community Post #150 - Wow...I've written so many of these things. Foxy helped.

Discussion in 'Community Posts' started by Tyro D. Fox, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    I know, I know! It's 150 articles. Sure! I'll look into doing something to celebrate but that's going to talk a little time. So, I'll do that separately. For now? Well...

    Raiders of the Lost Films
    The Emperor's New Groove
    (They don't all have to be entirely christmas related)
    This movie is awesome. It's just bloody fun. It's a laugh a minute movie that seems so obviously like a Disney Movie that it seems like they're going to do every single cliche in the book. The hero is a prat that learns a lesson. There's an evil witch that tries to take over. There's some message of friendship and it's all so boring...blah, blah, blah...

    Most of that is there but it's like the movie is ashamed of it. In short, it''s like...

    It's Basically A Pantomime

    I dunno if anyone else has ever seen this but I live in England and have done all my life. So, I know a thing or two about the Pantomime. I've been in some! Amature dramatics was something all my immediate family did once. They are one of the most British things we have added to the Christmas tradition ever.

    For those that don't know and can't be bothered to Google anything, The Pantomime is a stage show that is so goofy and aware of it's own silly persona that it very often, will not give a single *squee!* about it's story or characters. They're all stereotypes, they're all mostly idiots and they're all mostly very simple. But! They're all expected to tell jokes. A good panto is fun, mostly family-friendly entertainment and it's lasted for generations. They're fun to take part in too because they're so goofy, you just talk right to the audience. Doesn't matter it's panto! Plot holes? Sod it! Panto! As long as it's funny, no one cares! One of your techies could get strung up in the ropes that lift the set out of the way. In other shows, this would be a disaster!

    But in a Panto, crack a joke and all is absolved. We don't care! It's funny! He can swing there till the interval.

    It's an annual tradition. It's very charitable: it keeps the minor celebrities we've forgotten about
    still in work.

    I could say all of that about The Emperor's New Groove. It's funny as all hell. Who cares if the story is weak sauce? It's full of meta jokes, completely bizarre ideas and so much energy that I sit through this with a constant smile on my face.

    I know, I know! It's not 'Christmasy' but a little variety helps! You get inundated with the same stuff year after year. After two decades - pushing two and a half - I find some variation helps keep the spirit well. Stick on something fun that just wants to entertain!

    The Cast Nails It

    I'm including David Spade in this too. I haven't seen much of David Spade except on that Patrick Warburton Sit-com I can't be bothered to look up because it left that much of an impression. Ace of King Queen Rules of How I Met Your Big Bang? I dunno...

    Here? Spade is thoroughly bratty and spoilt as Kuzco. The character is so full of himself that there's no need for any explanation of why he needs to change other than turning up and walking into frame. We get all we need to know for his character arc of being made into less of a snot-nosed prat within the first ten minutes. The character is so self-centred, he regularly hijacks the movie with voice over giving the 'real story'. Honestly, it conveys a lot. All by him just being there. Not a lick of exposition. Spade plays the egotistical pillock perfectly.

    Saying nothing on the guy himself, just to be clear. I barely know him.

    He does a good job of making Kuzco delightfully punchable though.

    John Goodman as Pacha sounds like he'd have bugger all to do while in this role as he plays a straight man to Kuzco. However, his character is surprisingly more complex than you'd think. His M.O. is that he's a good guy. He's kind, thoughtful and quite selfless. He's a real sweetie!

    Buuut, he finds out that Kuzco wants to flatten his entire village. It doesn't sit well with him. He's hopeful he can change the Emperor's mind but it really is a struggle as he tries to extort what he needs from a guy that apparently has no idea what he's doing but no humility to admit he needs help. He snaps at the twit, he stomps his foot but always comes back because of what he believes. Yeah, it's a little sappy in places but as an emotional core of the film, Pacha is perfect. Often, they're earned or cut back down to size by something in the background. He's not overbearing with his Goodie-Two Shoes nature but still has a character of his own outside of his role. That's rare!

    Who would have thought that Eartha Kitt and Patrick Warburton would have so much chemistry (pun not intended for anyone that has seen the film)? Yzma and Kronk are so much fun!

    Eartha Kitt has always been a wonderful overactor to behold and here, she's perfectly matched with this spindly, bug-eyed woman as she cackles her way through this thing. Teamed with the adorable if...simple Krunk, who Warburton's slow, deep-voiced delivery turns into a perfect counter to Yzma's shouting of blue murder whenever somethings not worked out how she wanted it, is a double act I kept hoping would have a few more minutes of screen time here and there. The angle they went with was an Older Woman and her...'Boytoy', I guess?

    If we work from the model of a Pantomime, then Yzma seems like a smooshing of a Panto Dame and the Villain. She's evil and cackles like a lunatic but they poke fun at her obvious age, her looks and her apparent insecurities to those other aspects which is classic Panto Dame material. They're alright bits but not my thing. Krunk does fit in as the ol' Villain's Idiot Henchman that always seem to fit in these things to beef up the amount of speaking roles and provide another avenue for jokes. These two roles are the jackpot for any Panto because they're the ones that have the most fun.

    "Wait? Brian Blessed's the villain? Sod it, not even the cow with the udders that shoot confetti
    can compete with that!"

    But, the order of the day is extra details in characters stealing the show. Krunk's sensitive demeanor and culinary interests are obviously meant to break up what appears to be a huge brick-outhouse of a man. It still works spectacularly! Krunk's insistence on dinner presentation or suddenly knowing how to work in a diner kitchen just add to this character that could have just been a straight idiot. Just makes you want to take him home!

    Of course, almost entirely ignored by Yzma, who is in full nutball mode for most of the movie like a vampire bat with a grin that could curdle milk. They play off the implications of Krunk and Yzma's relationship, where Yzma is likely only with him because he's huge and hunky, rather than anything else. An age thing they push throughout the movie. Not because he's sweet, adorable, sensitive and utterly devoted to what he loves. He has all these skills, but is still just kinda swept aside...

    Mm...What would it be like to be held by those arms?

    ...Trailed off for a sec, there. Where were we? Oh yeah! The supporting and bit part cast have their fantastic and memorable little moments. Pacha's family are both funny and cute and heartwarming and kinda human still. They talk like people. The kids are just a little annoying. Not enough to be annoying, but enough to make you giggle about when you used to argue endlessly using only one word to fight your corner.

    There's a little old man that get's thrown out the window who's voiced by John Fiedler. Yeah! Piglet's voice just turns up. Even he has a chuckle or two in there.

    No matter where you slice it, someone's strutting their stuff in this!

    The Whole Thing Looks Gorgeous

    Due to it's sort of South American influences, everything is bursting with co-I'm forgetting something. Umm...AH!

    Tom Jones is in it

    Tom Jones is in it. And he sings. This is a good thing.

    "Ay! Look at this lad! I got to do Disneh!"
    (Tom Jones is Welsh, if you didn't know.)

    The Whole Thing Looks and Sounds Gorgeous

    Right, yes! Due to it's sort of South American influences, everything is bursting with colour and life. Scenes like the palace or the lab or the forest don't have a dull spot. It's all characterful. The glades of the hills and mountains seem idyllic. The laboratory is all strange shapes and ever moving colours. The forest is moody but lush. The palace is gaudy but imposing. The animation is quick and fluid. Characters designs compliment their voices really well while still having touches of where they're meant to be from. Mostly. One of the more interesting things is how the angular style of Incan architecture rubs off on the characters to give Pacha his distinctive nose or Krunk's cheekbones and chiseled chin and huge, muscular frame and his...umm...


    ...Buuuut, it's all complimented by a swinging soundtrack that's to compliment the feel rather than bash the environment over your head. It's a North American movie through and through, even if it's about a 'Incan' Llama Herder helping an 'South American' Emperor get back to normal. The catchy tunes don't turn up much but they add a touch of energy to everything when needed, keeping the tone light and irreverent.

    Plus, random Tom Jones cameo. Because why not? It's Panto, remember?

    So...I am the guy that suggested watching Tintin previously so, your choice though I stand by my pick! We always have The Great Escape playing somewhere over here in the UK around Christmas. Why not just stick on something like this to break up the umteenth time you've been shamed for wanting presents or not spending time with your family?

    Or to cool yourself down after finding out they cut that crucial scene out of The Muppet's Christmas Carol. It's been at least a year since I found that out and I'm still mad!

    - Site News

    We're having a little competition! You can win the chance of sprucing up this fair site of ours! Submit your designs to us to win fame, glory from all of us here as well as a nice pile of Steam games to play. There's plenty of time but only until next January to put your entry in for the running!

    Dragonbait is back with New Song Sunday on the Everypony Radio. Fantastic! We're updating our stuff all the time and you can sit back, relax and chat with Dragon while keeping up to date with everything this community has to offer.

    That's Sundays, at 1PM Eastern. Be there or be...Actually, I don't care what shape you happen to be, just be there.

    - Recommended Reading

    So, I had the idea of updating the Site's Banner up there pass by me and Mister Asmodeus is currently looking to make it happen. Unlike the current banner that took former member Poetic Pony a herculean task of vectoring each one then deciding to turn it into a minimalist groupshot, he's looking to commission an artist instead.

    Whoever that is, I hope is paid well...There's a lot of us! If you want to join in, throw your name in here!

    Members that are relatively new, did you know that we make stuff here? Oh yes! It's not just stupid nonsense from yours truly. Former Admin Eight Star created and developed an entire Tabletop System because...I dunno. I've read plenty of these things now and they're kinda crazy-nuts and complicated. Building one is quite the labour but a functioning system was made.

    Well, Legion has been working on revamping it lately as well as trying to run some games again. If you've ever expressed interest in Tabletop Gaming or just find RPG's interesting, check ours out!

    Murain keeps quietly doing stuff that looks pretty damn good. Keep it up!

    More art from Jonquil. Mainly with pencils this time so, it's a little gloomy but still looks good.

    And a little more artiness from relative newbie, Crecious. It's stunning how good it looks.

    See? Make with the pretty pictures and you get up on here like it's the site's fridge. Or, you throw down tones of these odd pictures with tones of toys in, like Rockout here.

    Resident cool guy Berry Punch has suggested something kinda unique and not something we've got a lot of around here: Photography. Nothing too fancy, just pictures you've taken that you're really fond of.

    Reminds me of this video of a man dressed as a muppet playing piano I took while Christmas Shopping. I'm going to pop that up on the Facebook page for you to check out. Yes! We have social media, lest you forget!

    I've written more stuff. This time, it's a Deck Doctor. It's about 'simple' decks this time and a silly deck about using friends as mere fodder for your greater goals. Very inkeeping with the shows if you're insane.

    Here's another interesting topic: What bands do you wish hadn't broken up? I kinda agree with Ridley here. I'd like to hear more from Guns and Roses though can they reform without the wheezing mook that is Axl Rose? He's a git even today. The guy can barely squark through the hits of the band, let alone rekindle any magic.

    Here he is compared to British Comedian Keith Lemon. It's uncanny, isn't it?
    And Lemon is like that to get a laugh. Axl looks like he's in Witness Protection.

    Though, more Slash guitar playing would be lovely.

    Dipping into Serious Conversations where the Gun Control debate rumbles on like a rolling boulder with a V8 motor and no end in fuel, we have the recent uncomfortable atmosphere when Metal Gear V was given an award but Konami had stopped Kojima from picking it up. Yeah...His game and he's being kicked off it because Konami appears to have gone completely banana-in-hat bonkers.

    What's the phrase? Konami are Konami and Konami are the worst. The sooner they slink away to make Pachinko machines, the better apparently.

    Next, Legion has grown a little concerned over recent terrorist attacks and, who can blame him? Media blowing things up way bigger than any bomb can, amplifying a message of 'be miserable, this is a terrible thing'. Not saying it's not true but I can be all that's conveyed, in my opinion. Maybe something can be hashed out here? Worth getting it off your chest at least, I say.

    Lastly, Kalaxus has brought this to our attention: MLP Themed 'MST3K' kind of thing. Huh, OK. Sounds kinda fun. If that's your thing, here's a starting point though, be careful of sound issues apparently.

    So, that's it for this week. Keep doing what you do, Everypony. I'll leave you with this, because it's cool:

    "I can't believe we agreed to this."
    "Shh! Do this for a few more hours and we don't have to perform on the trapeze!"
    #1 Tyro D. Fox, Dec 8, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
    RainbowDash9000, Queen Cerali and Diamond bro hoofed this.
  2. Dilly Star

    Dilly Star The Dilliest in the Galaxy

    Cutie Mark:
    Sep 22, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    The Emperor's New Groove is still a classic animated film. I ought to make it my mission to watch it more often.
  3. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    I agree. Obviously.

    I'm trying to think of what to go for next though...I've seen this weird Bill Murray thing on Netflix. Could be interesting...
  4. Dilly Star

    Dilly Star The Dilliest in the Galaxy

    Cutie Mark:
    Sep 22, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Well, if you wanted to do holiday movie reviews, you could look at Star Wars. Not necessarily even the new one, but maybe a retrospective on the old ones.

    And if you're interested in newer movies, I watched a movie called "Burnie" featuring Jack Black recently. It's a drama of sorts that I found on Netflix. Might be worth your while.
  5. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    Eeehh...Maybe? Though, I guess I could jump on the bandwagon and look at the Christmas Special. Maybe as a bonus?

    Though, I'd prefer to try going for movies that people haven't heard of or probably wouldn't think of going for.
  6. Dilly Star

    Dilly Star The Dilliest in the Galaxy

    Cutie Mark:
    Sep 22, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    I wouldn't put yourself through that Christmas special. Seriously, it just sounds like a bad time.
  7. Proxy

    Proxy Resident Lurker

    Cutie Mark:
    Jun 13, 2012
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Canterlanta! (Horse Puns are hard!)
    Play Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo.
    It's worth your time. I guarantee it.
  8. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    Who the heck do you think I am? If it's awful, all the better! Ha-haa-haaahaaaaa!
    Dilly Star and Queen Cerali bro hoofs this.

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