Do Twilight's short-sighted magical solutions worry anyone else?

Discussion in 'General MLP Discussion' started by Nightmare Muffin, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Nightmare Muffin

    Nightmare Muffin An Everypony Regular

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I mean, especially now that she's a princess, with more responsibility and accountability? I can't be the only one really worried that a pony with as much power as her hasn't yet learned her lesson of being aware of the consequences before using her magic as a quick "fix all" solution. Like she hasn't learned anything from her many spells going awry, when she did just that. It honestly scares me just how many times that has happened.

    (In "Winter Wrap Up", Twi used a "come to life" spell, seeking a quick solution to her problem, didn't consider the consequences, (as well as pissing on earth pony tradition) and the spell caused disaster. In "Bats!", she pissed on nature, and used a spell to alter the vampire fruit bats diet, with no thought to the consequences, and her spell backfired. She did the same in "Swarm of the Century", with disastrous results, "Lesson Zero", with disastrous results, "The Crystal Empire" with majiking right into Sombra's trap, with disastrous results, and I could go on.)

    And in spite of her not learning to cut that sh*t out, Sunbutt just decides that Twilight's ready to see her potential in full, and crowns her a Princess, after Twi turns into an alicorn.


    Irrisponsible mentor is irresponsible. If she was watching Twi as closely as she claimed she was, NSA illumineighty horse would've KNOWN, better than to give Purple Smart any kind of promotion, if such a vital lesson hadn't yet been learned by her precious pupil.

    And honestly, Cadance, also being Twilight's role model, is also to blame; with that instant love spell fix that she did, to stop two ponies from bickering, in one episode flashback. (I forget the name of the episode. If anyone knows, please post it)

    I would be scared to have somepony who hasn't yet leaned to consider the consequences of their actions, especially with such powerful magic, and a piss poor track record of quck spell solutions, ruling as a leader over anything- Be it simply Ponyville or the entirety of Equestria.

    But what do you guys think?
  2. Enalis Nailo

    Enalis Nailo Tau Kappa Epsilon

    Cutie Mark:
    Jul 21, 2011
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    Lol, work :D
    St. Louis, Missouri
    That may have been why there was so much backlash when she became a princess. She hardly qualified. She has a lot of flaws and honestly is not a very good leader. Not very diplomatic. Shoot first, ask questions later.
  3. Night Fury

    Night Fury Traditional Artist

    Cutie Mark:
    Jul 18, 2015
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    Cloudsdale, Equestria
    Maybe when she first became a princess, but she will always be learning something new, nopony is perfect after all. Give her a break.

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