Funny Story

Published by Night Fury in the blog Night Fury's blog. Views: 383

Have you ever had those moments where your relatives and family pester you to have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Well i did, and here's how it went:

I had just come home from visiting a friend in Riverview, MI. And i find everyone at the table and looking at me like something was wrong. So I ask, "Why are you looking at me like that?" to which my Aunt Katie replies, "Why don't you have a girlfriend yet? You can't be alone forever."

I'm just a bit annoyed by this, as this was my choice, not theirs. I understood the concern, but I just never was one to have one. I reply, "Because I don't want one." Then in comes my uncle and he says, "Don't be such a sissy, your brother has one and he's just fine."

I'm trying not to say a retort to that, and remain silent. Its hard enough that I have no luck at all with them, so I usually just gave up. My brother says to me, "What's the matter, you scared?" I had a hard time not laughing at this, but kept it back.

With everyone still watching for how i reply, i say this sarcastically, "Why no, Dan, the girls just love me!" my mother knows when i'm being that way, so she keeps out of it. But my uncle decides to say this to me, "Then why don't you just do it already."

Hitting my limit, I unintentionally retorted: "Alright, Cary, If you want me to get one so badly, how about we go to bar. You sit on one of the bar stools and every time i get shot down, you take a shot of the strongest stuff they have. And if you pass out, i leave you to pay the tab."

My whole family erupted in laughter at my response, i couldn't help but laugh at what i had just said out of nowhere. I never come up with good retorts on purpose, that one just slipped out.
  • Toaster Repair Pony
  • Night Fury
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