Curtis Wildcat
Last Activity:
Feb 6, 2025 at 1:08 AM
Aug 12, 2016
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Somewhere in Kansas
Title Researcher

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Curtis Wildcat

Raging Shopaholic, from Somewhere in Kansas


Had around 14 hours of sleep so far today. That's not a good sign. Dec 29, 2024

Curtis Wildcat was last seen:
Feb 6, 2025 at 1:08 AM
    1. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      1. Fenris Rose and Lord Architect bro hoofs this.
      2. Lord Architect
        Lord Architect
        The ending though. I was enjoying throughout, but the ending. Wow great ending
        Apr 30, 2017
      3. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        Yeah. I can't really say I APPROVE, per se, but at the same time I didn't even think it was possible to do that with wings. That's what really got me.
        Apr 30, 2017
    2. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Currently playing DynaMarisa 3D. ...And in the words of raocow, "It's a thing."
    3. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Doctor appointments. Self-imposed art deadline. It's shaping up to be a tiresome week.
    4. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
    5. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Still on break. Film at 11.
    6. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Gonna stay off the forums for a bit to cool down. Anger and obesity don't mix well.
    7. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      I... HAVE... A CARROT!!!
      1. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        I've got a jar of dirt!
        Mar 16, 2017
        Curtis Wildcat bro hoofs this.
      2. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        You will remember this as the day you ALMOST one-upped Curtis Wi--- *falls out of chair*
        Mar 17, 2017
        Fenris Rose bro hoofs this.
    8. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      My Alolan Pokedex is completed, though my Z Cell hunt is still unfinished. Currently taking a semi-break.
      1. Lord Architect
        Lord Architect
        Where are you trying to find it, because the Z-Cells only show up, in certain places, at certain times of day/night.
        Mar 9, 2017
      2. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        My count currently stands at 99/100. I have all the Cores, so I know it's not one of those. I thought that I'd looked just about everywhere, even consulting the guides, so I'm not sure where it is I haven't looked yet.
        Mar 10, 2017
    9. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      There was a shooting early this morning at a Kwik Shop I make frequent snack runs at. Man alive... :(
      1. Curtis Wildcat
    10. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Currently putting severe limitations on my sugar intake. Here's hoping it doesn't backfire.
    11. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      One last Cell! One last ever-loving Cell! WHERE IS IT, COMPUTER?! Your lordship Wildcat demands it, pastry!
    12. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      If you see a catboy running around as Pepsi Man, your imagination's more off its rocker than mine.
      1. Usagi Convoy
        Feb 18, 2017
      2. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        Yeah. Minor shenanigans turned him into a "superhero" of sorts, if one can call him that. I think I may have some fun with this. >:D
        Feb 18, 2017
      3. Azeth
        Pepsi Man! *the game music plays*
        Feb 18, 2017
        Curtis Wildcat bro hoofs this.
    13. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Being sick isn't fun. Possibly having the flu is even less fun.
    14. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Tired, not feeling all that well. Also hunting for Zygarde cells in Pokemon Moon (96/100).
      1. Azeth bro hoofs this.
      2. Azeth
        You are doing better than me. I only have 76/100 of the Zygarde cells.
        Feb 7, 2017
      3. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        I had to switch to using a guide after I found all I could on my own. Even then, it's waging war on my memory.
        Feb 7, 2017
    15. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      "This is pitiful. A thousand people freezing their butts off waiting to worship a rat." -- Phil Connors, "Groundhog Day"
      1. Azeth bro hoofs this.
      2. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        "This is pitiful. A thousand people freezing their butts off waiting to worship a rat." -- Phil Connors, "Groundhog Day"
        Feb 3, 2017
    16. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Championship and UB-catching are both done in Pokemon Moon. Let the Pokedex-finishing begin! >^_^<
      1. Azeth bro hoofs this.
      2. Azeth
        Good luck with that. BTW, you are able to defend your title as Champion. It's not exactly required by any means, but it can help with leveling your team faster. If you do, you have to fight the Elite Four again. Also have fun with Poke Pelago~
        Jan 30, 2017
        Curtis Wildcat bro hoofs this.
      3. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        Already knew about it, but thanks anyway. >^_^<

        I was able to get a Lapras via Poke Pelago, so that solves one issue I was having.
        Jan 30, 2017
    17. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Getting to sleep before midnight is harder than it looks.
      1. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        Not really. I often get to sleep 23 hours before midnight.
        Jan 27, 2017
        Curtis Wildcat bro hoofs this.
    18. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Purchased the first EG film to watch on YouTube. Dunno if I'll actually go through with my project or not, but I'll figure things out later.
      1. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        Purchased? Why not just find a free streaming site? Or just download it?
        Jan 13, 2017
      2. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        Initially, it was so I could watch it on my 2DS's Youtube app on my own time. Then I found out after buying it that the video wasn't viewable through that app. Go figure. >-_-<

        A 2nd reason is that I don't feel comfortable watching it with my parents looking over my shoulder: our computer's in the dining room. But with what I said before, well, guess I'll just have to watch it when they're not at home.
        Jan 13, 2017
    19. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      I'm staying out of Sugarcube Corner until the political discussions die down. I dislike ginger.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        I am proud to say that I had to use Google to get that reference.
        Jan 5, 2017
      3. Blackened Blue
        Blackened Blue
        Gingers have souls!
        Jan 8, 2017
      4. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        Jan 8, 2017
    20. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Was playing Labyrinth of Touhou when midnight hit. I usually ignore celebrations on the whole.
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Somewhere in Kansas
    Title Researcher
    Other (f)
    Cutie Mark:
    Perpetually tired, perpetually bored, perpetually having too much time on my hands. And perpetually surrounded by cats.

    Aside from MLP: FiM, my primary interests involve Garfield, Pokemon and Touhou. My secondary interest(s) at present include fanfic writing and the Let's Players RoahmMythril and PinkKittyRose. Above all those, I love to read.

    Back in 2017 I started my "Casual Failure" series on YouTube, in which I take casual strolls through assorted video games and grade my performance based on varying criteria. That's my bread and butter at present. In addition, I also write the MLP/Mega Man Zero crossover Manehattan's Lone Guardian.



    Fanfiction.Net profile
    DeviantArt page
    Fimfiction.Net page - "Manehattan's Lone Guardian" is in progress.
    YouTube page, home of the "Casual Failure" series. Currently playing Mega Man Zero 3.
    Archive of Our Own page - "Woolgathering" on hiatus

    "I guess someone pressed the 'cats everywhere' button." -- Poisonous Nightmare, 6-22-2019
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