Separate names with a comma.
Murder Investigator.
Repair the combo using C4 as a makeshift putty, than sear it together with a blowtorch. I don't know how to survive in the wild.
Nothing a little masking tape can't fix. Wait... I'm confused.
Claimed. [IMG]
Claimed. Done. [IMG]
(I figure it's about time for round 2.) Welcome to The Photoshop Game, where your best dreams are made, crushed, and transformed into your worst...
Build a spaceship and fly to the moon. Less gravity means you'll effectively weigh less. I need to devise a master plan to take ov- uh, I mean...
*Noms pastrami*
Construct a giant magnet to find them with. I want to be a superhero.
Show up in nothing but underpants to show you are confident and a risk-taker. I have a date.
Tape a rocket to it to make it go faster. I need to go to Equestria for science.
^ Has uncorrectly'd. < Took way too long to S-Rank all missions in Ace Combat 6. v Just won a BRAND NEW CAR!
Leave the snow out to melt. HE'S ON MY SIX! I CAN'T SHAKE 'EM!
Drench yourself in Gasoline to become Ghost Rider. My OC caught on fire.