Published by Usagi Convoy in the blog Usagi Convoy's blog. Views: 620
So I generally sleep from 0500 to 1300. 5 AM to 1 PM to those that don't know military time. Sunday night, Morning I couldn't sleep. I got up from my bed about 0630-0700 something sounded off with my AC. I then notice my carpet is wet. I immediately call my apartment maintenance. It took an hour and a half for them to send someone and then another half an hour for the person who would drain the water to show up. I lost about $200 dollars in comic books had to move half my apartment around. I really don't get why the didn't call for the Carpet guy(he's the one that gets rid of the water) as soon as I mentioned the flooding maybe then it wouldn't have gotten so bad. I have an inch of water in my kitchen.
Anyway that's where I was yesterday. I keep my computer on the floor in the area that got flooded so I had to disconnect it and move it out as soon as I noticed the water was moving in that direction. So I'm lucky it didn't get damaged.
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