Welcome to the blog of Queen Chrysalis~ What I talk about is random. Whether it's ponies or IRL stuff, It'll be posted here. I'll be posting at my leisure, so don't bother expecting daily bog posts.
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  1. I don't know who if you have heard, but President Barack Obama, in all his 'wisdom', decides to declare that Mount Rushmore is racially insensitive and the faces will be destroyed. This among many other things have me facepalming.

  2. [​IMG]
    I normally don't do reviews for games but I've been super hyped about this one~ I'm doing a 'Outside Looking In' review which is a review as someone who has seen a let's play/playthrough of the game.

    Axiom Verge... The name alone just sounds unusual. It piques your interest to what it is. From this screenshot, it looks like a basic scifi 2D platformer~ That's the beauty of it. That curiously will drive you to find gameplay or a chance to download it yourself. What you get presented with is an experience. One that hasn't been see since the days of Super Metroid. The best part is, this game was made 100% by one person, Thomas Happ. Yes one person. The music, the gameplay, the all out experience... It's all by one guy. The kinda game he built is one with obvious heart and soul poured into it. The years spent making this game ended with a satisfying feedback from gamers.

    To give you an idea, here is my top 3 fave track from the Axiom Verge soundtrack~​

    Do you feel chills listening to them? Do you feel a sense of atmosphere with them? If so, then you are feeling only half the experience. These are only 3 of the many tracks made by Thomas Happ. Their place in the game make them atmospheric in ways that makes you feel like you are playing Super Metroid all over again. I personally love the music and how it works so well with the environments presented. The thing is, this goes beyond just being a Metroid clone. This game is actually so much more. The items and weapons you get provide new ways to kill your foes. The new upgrade you get help you navigate the harsh terrains of the planet. The power ups make your weapons so much stronger against stronger foes.

    The best piece of this? The Story. The things that ties this game together the most. You play as Trace, a young scientist with high aspirations. Due to an accident in his lab, which leads to an explosion, he goes blind, is unable to walk, and goes into a deep coma. He awakes on the Planet Sudra which is way different form any planet you'll ever see. Trace is greeted by a voice that tells him to obtain a close by weapon and thus his journey begins to understand his purpose. Why he is on this odd planet and maybe find a way to get off. Along the way you find strange and new things. Learn about mind bending secrets and discover the truth about who you really are.

    The part that most makes this like Metroid is the secrets and puzzles in the game. There are boundless secrets to discover and glitch worlds to find. You cans use your weapons to defeat foes and traverse most secrets that would normally elude you. For avid Metroid buffs, the exploration ans item finding will be the best part for them.

    In conclusion, this is a action-shooter platformer that anyone can check out. It's an experience that will leave you wanting more for sure. For Metroid buffs, this game is the answer for the lack of decent Metroid titles. A game that is close enough to a Metroid game to be enjoyable. As one Ronny Onny Edwards once said "For a scifi game, there is a lot of magic in the air." I agree with that sentiment. Axiom Verge is a magical experience that I'd defiantly recommend to anyone, whether you watch or play.​
  3. The Zombie Apocalypse is already here. I can hear you saying 'what?'. Trust me, the zombies are here. Just not in the undead, flesh eating form. It's in the form of brainwashed people who have a electronic device, that isn't a laptop, glued to their face. Seriously. Anyone that has fallen for this corporate propaganda, has their face shoved in some electronic device watching Netflix, texting, vine video making, or doing the latest update on their life. None of it for practical reasons at all.

    I get it. The devices are convenient, but that isn't an excuse to be a brainwashed zombie. Seriously, People cannot take at least one minute to look away and be socially active with other people. They spend every waking hour staring at a blue lit screen. What is so enticing that you have to constantly stare and cause eye damage to yourself? Some may not get hardly any bed rest at all either, just laying in bed staring at that screen of their choice. Anything involving Apple Phones, Ipods, Ipads, Kindles, the latest Smartphones; just to keep up is plain asinine. I'd like to read a actual book thank you very much. I'd like to sip a coffee and enjoy conversation with a actual person at a coffee shop of my choosing. Not having my face in a screen the whole time.

    Is society so boring that we need something to shove in our faces? If so, it's the most pathetic thing ever. You don't need to talk to anyone to have fun either! Take a walk around town, walk through a forest. Hell, do anything that isn't shoving a electronic in your face. Being out and about is about getting away from home comforts, not shoving them into every facet of your life, unlike what that one Adult Swim ad says.

    I know this rant will most likely go unheeded but whatever, I'm just stating my opinion on this matter. In anycase, if you do have your opinion, I'd like to hear it. Got a counter argument to what I said? I'd like to hear it. Well, as long as it isn't: 'You're being a jerk and electronics are the best thing ever! You don't get it.' I honestly don't want to 'get it'. I want to get away from it.

    Your lovely Changeling Queen, Chrysalis~
  4. This July has been rather hit and miss for the beginning of he month. The fireworks for the 4th were great but the walk back home that night was kinda bad due to one of my friends getting pelted by a full soda with ice. It was one of those foam XL cups of dark soda too. My friend was super pissed.

    Shortly after that when we got our second wave of grocery shopping done, a resident who was obviously high insulted my friend by calling him a dumbass for not liking the Save A Lot brand pizzas. He wanted to deck that stoner for saying that. I honestly don't blame him, though I try to ignore that crap.

    The best part is when the fire alarms went off for at least 5 to 10 seconds at 9 am because some jackoff probably accidentally pulled the alarms. I just had my dark roast and moved on with my day, which was awesome BTW. I know I mentioned it earlier in my status but we met a metal head playing around with some guitars in a local pawn shop I go to on occasion. This guy was really good with the electric guitar.

    So yeah, that's how things have been so far. Here's hoping I have more better than crappy days ahead.

    - Your lovely Queen, Chrysalis~
  5. Okay. Before I start off, I have to say that I am a supporter of the LBGT movement. What I'm ranting about is the labeling that still exists.

    You wanna know what's really bothering me lately? The government. I'll openly admit I'm not much of a political person but this is really a kick to the shin. I mean sure, the Supreme Court is declaring Gay Marriage as legal in ALL states. That's nice an all, but what has me is the labeling behind it still. Any form of labeling is basically what is separating us into these groups. Already in reaction to all states being required by law to legalize gay marriage, some southern states are stopping allowance for any persons to get married or the heinous reports of a priest making an attempt at burning himself over the topic.

    This is that stuff I've learn to expect and it severely grinds my gears that people don't see that labeling only is fanning the flames. So flippin' what if gay marriage is legal in all states? They are still being labeled as 'gay'. It's honestly all so the government can make money off the LBGT movements by looking like they care about the struggles. They don't care. To them it's just another scheme to get money into their already over inflated pockets, no matter how good it seems on the surface. I guess I could go on and on with what's wrong with America and it's people but I don't have the patience for this stuff anymore. I tend to ignore it but the more I think about this... gah.

    So yeah, think or say what you will about this. I'm not asking for a debate though I know it'll happen. I'm not pushing it any father than this so yeah.
  6. I don't know what it is lately but I've been on a odd streak of staying up late and sleeping the day away again. And I just broke that habit a sort while back. I'm not sure why, but I'm getting back into being nocturnal again. I'm probably going to try and get some sleep in a few hours but I just wanted to let everypony know what's going on.

    I guess my sleep schedule is out of wack for a few reasons, but it's mostly personal related reasons. One of my big habits is gaming while others sleep, which is one of my major reasons for getting no sleep at night. I end up sleeping the day away and feel like a vampire because of my more night owlishness~ Meh, either way I'll try to get on later today if I can... but I'm not going to hold my breath.
  7. I'll admit it's been a while. It's crazy to come back to an updated forum. It'll take getting use to after being banned for a little over a month's worth of time. I'll admit I was lurking mostly during my ban. I just couldn't keep away. I've seen things grow and change. Though it did suck to be locked out from interaction, it was nice to see that things were still kickin' anyway.

    My life in while I've been gone has been busy. Keeping this apartment afloat has been a bit difficult with three people around. Myself and two friends. It's kinda crazy to be with them a lot but it's pretty fun when there are not many issues. So yeah, life has been pretty good, but hard.

    Truthfully it's good to be back though. I'm happy to see members on here and I had fun last night watching Tyro play games on his stream. Admitably, it was my first time doing that since joining, but I figured why not. I was bored anyway. So yeah.
  8. Yeah. It's my Birthday today. It's not so great, all it is to me is the day of my birth. A reminder of our mortality and that were are one year closer to death as well. It maybe great as a kid, but if feels like it has no point now-a-days. I also hate restaurants that feel the need to Celebrate it. Stupid corporate a-holes. It's one of those things where I sometimes want to say who flippin' cares?

    We move on anyway after the day is done. We don't give it a second thought the next day after it. It's pointless, like Halloween. Well Halloween in the more recent years. You get my point. I also know that I'm going to get a lot of comments saying that I shouldn't be sad or not feeling like it's not worth anything. Save your breath. I've heard it too many time to count.

    If you want to say Happy Birthday, that is fine. I'll probably say 'thanks' but really, I don't really give a flip about this day. About the only thing of significance this day is Cinco de Mayo. That isn't really a celebration for anything either as much as people think it is. It's more or less a day for people to get piss drunk, like St. Patrick's Day. I'd say the other word for it but it would get censored.

    Anyway, have a happy Cinco de Mayo I guess. Avoid the roads tonight, if you don't have to go anywhere urgent. Drunks will be taking over the roads, so yeah.
  9. After some thinking about it and considering things... I've pretty much figured out that I'm a trans. Well a particualr person on this forum is to thank for helping me realize this sooner.

    You know who you are~ :zebra:

    Anyway, yeah. As much as I kinda didn't want it to believe it first... I think I've come to terms with this fact. All the signs were there. I just needed to be guided in the right direction. So do with that what you will.

  10. I know that I lightly mentioned a dark side to me but... I never clarified what it can do or what needed to happen to trigger it. It's my own fault for not mentioning it since I didn't think I'd need to worry about it coming up... that was wishful thinking, but unfortunately, pretty recently, the darker part of me did somewhat come out.

    I'm not going to bring up the topic it happened in, for the sake of not bring up more drama, but it's because my protective instincts kicked in, that I ended up getting very aggressive. The thing is, this darker self is triggered through negative attacks or in general attacks. Even if a action isn't, sometimes my mind can perceive it as an attack. If I am attacked, or perceiving an attack, my mind set changes to a more violent one and I can have a sudden emotional high. This is when I feel like I must defend myself and any others who maybe attacked. I am sincerely sorry if you encounter that with me, but it's sometimes something that can get out of my control, especially if I reach the level of blood rage.

    And if I can explain what I mean by Blood Rage, I like to call it my point of no return. This is when my emotion high reaches a breaking point and I no long have control of my baser instincts. I go into a blind rage and start attacking anything that merely looks at me funny. Until the adrenaline in my system stops coursing, I will look to try to punch someone or something. I typically only can get enough control to divert the punch to hit a wall before I harm someone but it does end up being a scary experience for the former attacker, now victim. And in some cases, even for me. Depending on how bad my blood rage gets, I sometimes will have a brief moment of depression. This is because truthfully, I do fear that I will hurt someone. I don't like hurting people, but when they push me it is in someway, their own fault for pushing me and getting hurt or injured.

    I just felt like I need to explain this... It really hurts me when I reach these points but it serves to tell you guys before I get another one of these moments. It's even worse in person with me. I don't blood rage online too often, thankfully.

    This is just to serve as a friendly warning that I can get... unstable.
  11. So with my recent 100 posts, I've promised myself to do a blog post. I intend on making good on my own word.

    With me getting comfy and making friends, I think an a bit of an explanation to why I pick Chrysalis as best villain is in order (No offense to any of the other villains... especially Tirek...). The thing is, I guess I like the kind of personality Chrysalis has. She is confident in her skills and does everything in her power, seen and unseen to have things go in her favor. I also love that cute laugh she has soo much... But yeah she plays as a strong villain and she loves what she does, and honestly isn't afraid to show it. That's also why Discord comes in second as best Villain for me, loving what he does.

    But with Chrysi... I think the biggest thing is that I like strong female roles, villain or nor. Chrysalis is a rather confident and strong villain with plenty to lose and nothing to that can tell her 'no'. I find it appealing and... attractive... *blushes*
  12. Since there are allot of firsts for me, I figured to do my first post on a blog. They are a lot fun for updates or everyday logs. Though I namely use them for updates myself. Anyway, I've been enjoying myself so far and I do hope that I'm making a decent impression. I know I maybe coming off as a bit mysterious or secretive but as I warm up to people here more, I may consider filling out more of my profile. It's mostly due to my shyness, but also I would like to make sure I can trust ponies here. Not that I can't but you never know sometimes. I'm sure everypony here is trustworthy, it's just me being cautious is all.