Vallum: 'o'h! Hell'o'! We d'o'nt get many visit'o'rs here! 0u0 Nice t'o' meet y'o'u!
(OOC: I'll be posting my art, text posts and things like that here.)
Do you do art requests?
Currently, yes! They are free of charge so no worries, it's my personal way of giving back.
What can you draw for requests?
I will draw:
Signature Pictures
What won't you draw?
I won't draw:
Offensive Material
NSFW(I won't post my NSFW stuff here)
How do i reserve a request slot?
Just ask me from a PM! Only one spot can be reserved, though.
How many request slots do you have?
1: Free To Use/Reserve!
2: Free To Use/Reserve!
3: Free To Use/Reserve!
4: Free To Use/Reserve!
Do you have a tablet?
Sadly, i can't afford one just
Background color
Background image
Border Color
Font Type
Font Size
  1. I made some free-hand stuff on my 3DS, might as well show it to you guys! :) I would LOVE if you would give me some constructive criticism or tell me if the one of the images are broken!

    Young Taenah(i'll post her information soon! 0u0)



    Taena with long hair and Vallum with short hair snuggling

    Vallum in her spring dress

    I think i'll do more later if i'm not tired as it is hahaha.
  2. Ohhh mii goooosshh! It's been awhile, huh? It's good to be back, though. :) My my, where to start...Well, i made some new oc's, i also managed to get 3 of skyrim's DLC!*Victory candy cane* I had a bunch of fun during my absence, too! I was surprised i didn't encounter any drama during my funzies teehee! But anyhow! I'm back now, Aiiiieeee! I need to see all that i missed!!
  3. So, eariler today, my buddy wanted me to do a meme he made which is: The To Do List, you basically draw yourself and what you do throughout you're day each week. So i thought: Why the buck not? So heres my day/night...

    - I often happen to wake up in the middle of night, and think at first im high then realise "It happened again"


    - Have a epic sugar rush for 10 minutes then get K.O'd


    - Do my hair, but i stupidly forgot i wetted it and it got tangled. I was blissfully unaware.(True story >u<)


    - Brony out for like, 7 hours.


    - Draw myself as a spider person although i'm terrified by spiders. Realise just how bucking bored i am.


    - I did a massive time skip in animal crossing new leaf, now it's new years.


    - Imagine my pillow is a cute boy(Again).

    Yes, my day is awesome. :)
  4. Okay, i haven't updated one of my blogs since...Hm, 2012, and my best friend in the whole wide world didn't know i swaped blogs, so early this moring i got an email, o'course; it was from Reeie(My friend) and he sent: "Please come baaacckk!!! I'm sorry for whatever i did or said that hurt you're feelings!!! I promise i'll be a better friend! I'll even give you hugs!! Bena plleeaassee!!!" And this image came along with it...


    Point is: I feel very awful that i forgot about him and i DONT KNOW HOW TO RESPOND!! But i was thinking about drawing his pony oc in a christmas coat.
    Hopefully that'll work. ;n;
  5. AIIIEEE!!! I can't wait for december 25th!!! Time to eat candy canes get leaves for my scrap book and snuggle by the fire! And i had...AMAZING fun visiting paris and japan with my fiance; and guess what else? I'm adopting a puppy for a early chirstmas gift for myself! Specifically, i'm adopting a pitbull puppy, he'll probably be here tomorrow! And believe me he's soo cute!
    And on my blog i'll be counting down the days to chirstmas by posting all the holiday fun i did for the day! Happy hoildays everypony!

    That's it, now back to my gingerbread~!
  6. Right now im in japan, very long filght, mind you! We're currently in a hotel andwe're going to adventure japan tomorrow! YAAAYYYY!!! I managed to get a hotspot too, we took japanese lessons yesterday...And tried out some preetty weird foods, anyhow! After i explore japan with my fiance then i'll tell you guys about it!
  7. I've been offline for an eternity! I just wanted to catch up and see how everything is going, you're probably wondering why i was gone for so long? Its because of personal issues im still working on! Anyway, i've been saving up money and im finally close to having enough to travel with my fiancé. Very happy weekend for me! But problem is i forgot to plan soo...Anyway, i'll probably be offline for a little while longer untill i get my laptop and hotspot but i'll be sure to tell you guys all about it! Like i said we didn't plan much so i dont know if i'll be traveling tommorrow or later, but we're planning to go to paris then japan then back home. So this'll be a long trip! And im terrified of air planes, i just hope that wont get in the way though!
  8. Soo i am quite confused on what new game i should get, i'm pretty wrapped up in animal crossing new leaf but i'm starting to get bored of it and now its frustrating because i have to check up on it EVERYDAY! So i want to get another game, i'm waiting for God Eaters 2 to come out but until then i need a game i can play, any suggestions?
  9. (Happypasta's are happy stories that are a little creepy at first but very heart warming X3 Enjoy!)

    My name is Emily, my parents died a long time ago and now i live with my aunt Betty. For my 10th birthday my brother gave me his pokemon white. I didn't mind playing as a male character after my birthday was over i went into my room excited to play pokemon white i turned on my 3DS and clicked "Contiue" i looked at the pokemon in his party and at the front of his party was a level 89 bulbasaur named "Bulbie" he was my brothers favorite pokemon(I dont know why he gave his starter the name bulbie), i went to the musical and used one of his pokemon "Lakey" he was a panpour. After using him a bunch of times i finally got bored and decided to look though all my pokemons' stats in my party. I started with bulbie...
    But something was off, they're was an text box that said "Wheres my best friend?" asuming that bulbie was reffering to my brother, i froze but the text box contiued... "You are not our master, you dont have the right to tell us what to do." After that charizards cry could be heard. I forgot that my brothers first pokemon ever was GOGOP.

    "Go away, now." a glaceon's cry played after. I was frozen, i turned off the game and stuffed my face in my pillow, a few hours later i decided to play pokemon white again, oh boy what a stupid mistake i made...When i fliped it on i was at the main characters home. And Bianca was standing there her sprite had tears streaming down her face, until i noticed who was lying on the bed...

    Bulbie, he had dried up blood on his stomach but it was bandaged up i clicked A on Bianca and a text box appeared: "You murderer! You took him away from Kai and now he's dying! IT'S YOUR FAULT!" she shoved my character to the wall making a slight bouncing sound. Whenever i tried walking to the bed Bianca would push me to the wall over and over and over again...Untill Professor Juniper walked into the room and a text box appeared "Bianca, we need to talk" Bianca gave me one final glare then headed downstairs with Professor Juniper, i clicked A on the bed and a text box appeared "Why...Why did you do this to me Emily...? I thought we were frrriieeenndddsss!" he had a distorted low pitched...Slow, cry of pain. But for some reason i kept going the text box disappeared when i taped A again on the bed all that it said was "Bulbies breathing is getting quieter and quieter each second..." my heart sank and i started to cry i kept on tapping A over and over again...But the same text box appeared. It was all my fault, i took him away from Kai and now he's paying the price for my stupidity. I turned off the game and cried myself to sleep.

    The next morning i started up pokemon white, my character was sleeping in a stool next to bulbie i waited 12 seconds for my character to wake up and when i tried to walk downstairs a text box would apear "You should check up on Bulbie first." so i turned back and clicked A on the bed a text box appeard and Bulbie had a music note over his head, until i noticed he was humming Kai's favorite song: "Over The Clouds" but it was a slow sadistic version. "...Huh? Oh uhm, hi." He stopped humming and i was terrified, this is just a game right!? How did he have feeling or how did he know me and my brothers' name! Bulbies stomach grumbled and he had a laughing icon over his head "I'm hungry, can you get me something to eat?" then i had a YES/NO option, i clicked "YES" then i automatically walked downstairs but the cheerfull music was replaced with pure, dark, awful, silence. Bianca and Juniper were talking but Juniper had a "!" over her head when i came in then a text box appeared "...I think you should leave..." then a time limt appeared on the top right corner it said i had 20 seconds to get out as i slowly waited Juniper had something shining in her pocket oh no, it looked like a knife! I got out of the house as quickly as possible, what did bulbie mean by "Food"? what do Bulbasaurs even eat!? I decided to gather grass and head back home after feeding bulbie the food, he sat up and the cheerful music from before stopped. "Emily, i'm sorry but everyone doesn't have friendship and heart like you, people take that for granted here. That's why they're after you." WHAT DOES HE MEAN THEY'RE AFTER ME!? AND WHO'S THEY!? Another text box appeared... "I will protect you, Emily!" the game saved and it turned off. I was crying now but when i went to bed i could've sworn that i saw Bulbie smiling on the other side of my bed. The same thing, every night. My brother belives me(Thank God), but it doesn't bug him, and it doesn't bug me. So...This is my life now, no one belives me so its a family secret, we know its wrong taking care of Bulbie in secret but who knows what will hapoen to him if we didn't...
  10. I have been offline lately and i'm gonna tell you why:

    Let's time travel to 3 days ago

    it was 2 in the morning(Yeah, i don't sleep much...) i was on my laptop looking up random stupid stuff on youtube(As usual) my phone rang i picked it up it was my friend. He seemed odd while he was talking to me, he said if i rememberd that party and i blacked out. I said i did the phone hung up as soon as i did, i just shruged it off maybe he broke up or something, i go on vgchat and i look at my friends recent activity thing and he was on before he called me, later on that night he called me again. He said if i had any idea where my friends were after the party, it clicked that when i blacked out my friends weren't with me. We both started freaking out, what if someone took them? Or they did somthing to my drink and i blacked out so they could get them? So i just decided not to panic and just go to sleep. The next morning i got up washed my face and brushed my teeth i looked at my friends facebook to see if they were on recently...My heart sank, they were on before the party. Which means they have been offline for awhile. So i wentnto my friends place i walked up to a man(My friends neighbor) and asked him if he saw a girl with red hair wearing a pink dress walk out here, he said no. How the h*ll was that possible? I didn't believe him i just kept on asking hoping if he would've said yes, if he did say yes at least i would have a clue of where to look for her. He finally said that he did see a black car come near the house, it was parked behind a tree. That was all he said, now i was in full panic mode. What if the people in the car took my friends? Or was it someone invited to the party? Out of fear i went to my friends house and asked him if he could take a walk around my friends house, he was a little creeped out at first but he agreed with me.

    1 in the morning...

    We park outside of my friends house and we tried to open the door, it was locked. How can that be possible? So, was she kidnapped or not? If she was the door wouldn't of been locked, or was she doing something while i was blacked out and left?


    I got up and got on here to post this, maybe i can get some advice. I don't know what else to do.:cry:
  11. Jenny opened the cafes door, it was filled with people! She smirked and ran to the changing room and changed into her Maid-Outfit, she skiped in the kitchen and started taking orders she got her first order for today. It said:
    1- Cup of coffee
    2- Cheese cake
    it seemed like a simple order, jenny got some coffee beans and mashed them in a bowl(Using a spoon of course.) she put the water in the coffee maker and poured the coffee in a white tea cup, she put that on the plate and got the cheese cake out of the freezer. Another worker(Evelyn) was siting on a table doing her nails while jenny did all the work, "Table 10 has been waiting for they're order for 10 minutes-and table 1 didn't get they're water-and table 4 didn't get her order." Evelyn said quickly, "I'll be right there with your order!-Heres your water sir enjoy! Heres your chee-" Jenny had a sweat drop(Like in the animes) "WHAT ARE YOU DOING SITTING HERE ORDERING CHEESE CAKE AND COFFEE WHILE I DO ALL THE WORK!?" Jenny's eyes turned into flames, "So lazy..." Haruna whisperd "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" Evelyn yelled at haruna "N-nothing!" haruna went back in the kitchen. Jenny pouted "Heres your order princess." jenny put the cheese cake and coffee on the table and went back in the kitchen to do ANOTHER impossible order for evelyn.

    After Work...

    Jenny took off her work-outfit(Her maid outfit) and put on a black tank-top that said: Food Is My Love. She also put on her blue panties, she kicked off her maid shoes and she rubbed her foot, she lied on her bed and closed her eyes, a few seconds later her phone rang(Her ring tone is Nyan cats song.) she anwsered it "Hello?" She said tirely, "Hey! It's me star-burst, you awake sleepy-head?" He said "Almost--Whats up?" She said rubbing her eyes "Oh nothing, its just me and bree are plaining to go to wonderbolts tomorrow--you comin'?" He asked, jenny sighed and sat up wraping the teal blankets on her bed around her "Yeah, i mean...I'm not good at flying or anything but i'll come." She said waking up "Great! I'll see you there!" He said happily. "Bye, Burst!" "Seeya!" The phone hung up, jenny sighed and curled up into a ball and went to sleep.

    (Well? What did ya think? i just made this up randomly. I'm seeing if i want to make a part two of it>w> Ah-ha! Why don't we have a vote and see if i'll make part two or not. Haha! I'm so smart::S:)
  12. Decided to make this a blog entry, and i was thinking of putting this in the general discussion. But nah, i'll start with first to last.

    -My Little Pony: Friendship is magic
    -Spongebob Squarepants
    -Winx club

    -Panty And Stocking
    -Chibi Vampire Karen
    -ToV(Tales Of Vesperia)

    -Drake and Josh

    Hmm, now that i look at this...I mostly watch childrens shows. X3
  13. So tonight i'm going to(Finally!) update my blog here! So, let's start with some things i was up to...
    Yesterday i got my psp(I havn't touched it since last year) i decided to play my favorite game of all! "Tales Of Versus" And of course i played i yuri(Again), it was fun. THEN i drew my avatar this morning, i even joined a clan called "The Koopa Troops"(XD)
    I made a new character in skyrim, shes a breton(And also a vampire! :p) i managed to level her up to level 19(Shes a really good necromancer). I also made a male argonian(Hes da max level!!!!::S:) i actually play as him more often then the other characters i've made('CUZ HES DA BOMB!!! XD). I've never gotten married as him through(Maybe it's because it would seem akward to marry one of the male mpc's and i DO NOT want to marry a female mpc).

    I'm also plaining on moving this summer, :D so i'm still posting stupid videos on youtube XD. Oh, and i'm going to my friends place. She used to live in the UK but she moved over here to see me! She also wants me to help her pick out a new house for her too,:grin: i'm gonna buy her stylesavvy trendsetters as a welcome gift and some other things...Like a nyan cat scarf, a pillow of her mlp oc(It took me hours to sew that pillow!!!). And i also have my plans for summer!(But thats for a different blog entry at a different time^_-)
  14. [​IMG]

    I have made a skype account! Yeaah boooyyy!!! So i won't be using it much though so i'm gonna draw some art for my celebration of skype! :D
  15. (Note: My friend lives with me and since i only have one laptop shes using my 3DS, i havn't talked about my friend because shes kinda new in the whole brony community)My friend said that shes joining everypony today!(I begged her to join after adding her in my oc list X3) yippe! :D