This is where I shall post things that would bring great shame to be said in public
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  1. Not sure if anyone cares or whatev's, but I'm bored and I wanna type stuff.

    I didn't do anything really, just hung around tumblr. Made a blog that I actually posted on, it was one of those personal blog things. It was super lame, only made it to talk to people and they didn't even bother talking back. That's double lame. So I got bored again and had the idea to start up a Anti-SJW blog, that was a good time. Mostly it was, so many insults just for having an opinion that differed from the feminist. Couldn't even get a good back and fourth with them. They just insult you and block you. That got boring after awhile, nothing ever really changed, they weren't into discussions. Then I made a clop blog and spending time and effort pretending I can draw stuff.

    And that's what I did over summer vacation.
  2. I was planning on coming back on July 27th, that's the day I get 9 days off of work. It would have been a perfect time to come back. That changed though, I was gone for less then a week. It's more then enough for me to see I was the lame-0 myself. It seems everything that I called out was probably caused by my own actions. I should be mad at myself, not those avoiding me to avoid what I was doing.

    After I sorted that out. I said I wouldn't do this and that or whatever I was doing. That is all talk and that's why I'm here now. If I get like that again, I'll remove myself from EP a bit. Don't worry if that happens. Just means I need another small break. If Leftover Crack has taught me anything it's not to fight over trivial crap. Which I do a lot. I'm tired of doing that, tired of looking like a fool.

    AND I'm sure some of you will like this. You can call me Pixel, Pozul, Poxul or any form of that name. Just leave the hope part out please.